What is the salary of Frontex Executive Director
Net salary of the new Frontex Executive Director is between EUR 9146 and EUR 9598, depending on length of previous work experience. The succesful candidate will also receive a number of allowances.
Explainer on ‘Working knowledge of a third EU language’
What is meant by the “working knowledge of a third EU language” or “capacité à travailler dans une troisième langue” in EU institutions? This article answers this and other questions.
European Gender Equality Institute – EIGE Factsheet
This article provides an overview about EIGE based on its regulation, single programming documents, consolidated activity reports, website, etc. If you are looking at a vacancy at EIGE there might be questions about the institution that are not always easy to find answers to without a lot of searching and reading. This post covers main…
Calculators of salaries in EU institutions
An official calculator of salaries for jobs in the European Commission or other EU institutions is not publicly available. To address this gap, this article links to a number of useful resources that will allow you to get an approximate idea of what salary to expect at a particular EU institution.
Salary and benefits – Frontex Border Guard Officer, ADVANCED Level (AD 7)
The ‘full salary package’ of the Advanced Level Frontex border guard. Polish residents without children can expect a monthly paycheck of EUR 3652. Foreigners without children can expect a monthly paycheck of EUR 4538. Foreigners with children can expect a monthly paycheck of EUR 5100.
Salary and benefits – Frontex Border Guard Officer, INTERMEDIATE Level (AST 4)
The ‘full salary package’ of the Intermediate Level Frontex border guard. Polish residents without children can expect a monthly paycheck of EUR 2748. Foreigners without children can expect a monthly paycheck of EUR 3399. Foreigners with children can expect a monthly paycheck of EUR 3961.
Salary and benefits – Frontex Border Guard Officer, BASIC Level (FG IV)
The ‘full salary package’ of the Intermediate Level Frontex border guard. Polish residents without children can expect a monthly paycheck of EUR 2589. Foreigners without children can expect a monthly paycheck of EUR 3201. Foreigners with children can expect a monthly paycheck of EUR 3763.
How to become a Frontex Standing Corps border guard?
Want to become a Frontex border guard? This article will answer your questions about how to do that, what is the salary and other benefits, etc.
Business travel hacking: 9 tips and tricks
9 travel hacking tips for employees of EU institutions. If you don’t collect hotel loyalty points and frequent flyer miles, you are not doing business travel correctly.
Managing personal finances when starting to work at the EU institutions
Tips and experience on managing personal finances when starting to work at the European Commision or another EU institution.