Maternity leave

Maternity leave for staff employed by the European Union institutions is governed by the EU’s Staff Regulations, particularly, Article 58. It provides for a minimum maternity leave period of 20 weeks, with the possibility of extending it in certain circumstances. In the case of multiple births or premature birth or the birth of a child with a disability or serious illness, the maternity leave duration shall be 24 weeks.

Key points about maternity leave in EU institutions:

  1. Duration: The standard maternity leave is 20 weeks, which includes 6 weeks of prenatal leave and 14 weeks of postnatal leave.
  2. Pay and Allowances: During maternity leave, staff members receive their full remuneration, including allowances.
  3. Extensions: The leave can be extended if the mother’s state of health requires it.
  4. Additional Leave: After maternity leave, EU staff are entitled to take parental leave, which can be up to 6 months in duration for each parent. New parents can also opt to shift to part-time work with the corresponding decrease in salary.





  1. Roman & others – many thanks for sharing your experiences! I wonder if this is only the Commission Practice, or…

  2. We (me and my heterosexual partner, also working for the EU) have recently asked the question, in order to see…

  3. First of all, thank you so much for this very clear article. It has helped me to understand the process…


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