The monthly salary of Teresa Ribera salary, Executive Vice-President for Clean, Just and Competitive Transition and Commissioner for Competitiveness, is approximately EUR 24’727. This brings the annual salary to EUR 296’724.
Salaries of EU Commissioners in VDL’s 2nd Commission (2024-2029)
Short BIO of each Commissioner from

Basic salary
When you try to understand how the salaries of EU officials are calculated, you are often directed at the ‘basic salary. However, the actual take-home remuneration package consists of many more components and be higher, lower, or similar to the basic salary depending of an official’s individual situation (family status, dependent children, relocation to Brussels from another country, etc.).
For the Executive Vice President of the European Commission, the basic salary is set at 125% of the basic salary of an official of the Union on the third step of grade 16, in other words, the highest basic salary possible for non-political posts in EU institutions like General Directors in DGs of the European Commission.
For reference, since 1 January 2024 the highest EU civil servant ‘basic salary’ is EUR 23,959.44.

Source: Article 66 of the EU Staff Regulations | See the full European Commission salary grid
Allowances and other payments
As the European Commission Executive Vice President, Roxana Mînzatu is entitled to the following additional monthly allowances and other payments.

Residence allowance (similar to Expatriation allowance)
Residence allowance equal to 15 % of their basic salary. This makes up EUR 4492.

Household allowance
Household allowance equal to EUR 192,78 + 2% of their basic salary. This makes up EUR 792.

Entertainment allowance
Members of the European College are entitled to the weirdly named ‘entertainment allowance’, which most likely is an allowance for covering costs of work-related lunches and similar expenses.
This allowance ranges from EUR 607.71 for “regular” Commissioners to EUR 1418.07 for the European Commission President.

Dependen tchild allowance
The dependent child allowance is equal to approximately EUR 440. This allowance amount is not included in the total remuneration calculation as we don’t know the family situation of these EU officials.

Education allowance
Education allowance for children. This allowance amount is not included in the total remuneration calculation as we don’t know the family situation of these EU officials.
Taxes and other deductions
Like other employees of the EU institutions, Roxana Mînzatu as Executive Vice President of the European Commission does not pay national taxes.
However, there are two European Union taxes.
Community Tax
Community Tax levied progressively at a rate of between 8% and 45 % of the taxable salary portion. We have not been able to find the exact rules about application of this tax, hence, we have assumed that the deduction is in the middle as 18.5% of the basic salary. This makes up EUR 5541.
Solidarity Levy
Solidarity Levy of 6%. This makes up EUR 1797.
There are also four social security-related deductions.

Pension contribution at 10.10% of the basic salary. This adds up to EUR 2995.
The European Commission College members have much more generous pension guarantees compared to regular EU staff. You can read more about the regular pension benefits for staff of EU institutions.
Health insurance
Health insurance contribution at 1.70% of the basic salary. This adds up to EUR 509.
The health insurance contribution makes the official eligible for the EU institutions health insurance scheme JSIS.
Accident coverage
Accident coverage contribution at 0.10% of the basic salary. This adds up to EUR 30.

Unemployment insurance
Unemployment insurance contribution at 0.81%. This adds up to EUR 243.
The European Commission College members have much more generous unemployment guarantees compared to regular EU staff. You can read more about the regular unemployment benefits for staff of EU institutions.
Background information
Basic salary coefficients for members of the College of European Commission

Entertainment allowance

Information about tax amounts and other salary deductions
For information about amounts of EU taxes, pension contributions, unemployment and other deductions see this document prepared by ECDC for candidates and staff. The same information applies to all EU institutions.
Image source: European Commission website