Dependent Child Allowance

Dependent Child Allowance

If you have children and will become an employee of the European Commission or other EU institutions, you will be entitled to the European Commission Dependend Child Allowance.

This allowance is EUR 467,13 per child in Brussels and Luxembourg. As this allowance is adjusted by the Correction Coefficient, it’s amount will differ depending on where your EU institution is located.

General rules

The Dependent Child Allowance is one of the ‘family allowances’ mentioned in the Staff Regulations, along with the a) household allowance and the b) education allowance.

According to Article 67 of the Staff Regulations, the Dependent Child Allowance may be doubled, by special
reasoned decision of the appointing authority based on medical documents establishing that the child concerned has a disability or a long-term illness which involves the official in heavy expenditure. Read more about support in case of disability at EU institutions.

Amount of the allowance is reviewed every year and is usually adjusted proportionally with inflation. You can find the mosts up to date Dependent Child Allowance amount in Article 2 of Annex VII of the Staff Regulations.

Dependent Child Allowance in various EU locations

The below table shows you the amounts of the Education allowance in euros depending on the city your EU institution is located in, as the amount is indexed by the Correction Coefficient. The Correction Coefficient adjusts the salaries and allowances of EU institutions staff according to the measured ‘cost of living’ in a particular EU location compared to Brussels.

If you will work in Brussels or Luxembourg, the Correction Coefficient will be 100%. It will be above 100% in Scandinavian countries and lower in Eastern and Central European countries, impacting the actual amount of the allowance you’ll receive.

EU locationEU institutionCorrection CoefficientEUR
Amsterdam, NetherlandsEMA111.4520.38
Barcelona, SpainF4E96.3449.85
Berlin, GermanyEU Delegation101.4473.67
Bilbao, SpainEU-OSHA96.3449.85
Bratislava, SlovakiaELA79.9373.24
Brussels, BelgiumEuropean Commission, European Parliament, European Council, EDA, SRB100467.13
Bucharest, RomaniaECITRCC68.5319.98
Budapest, HungaryCEPOL, EIT76.1355.49
Cologne, GermanyEASA96.9452.65
Copenhagen, DenmarkEEA134.2626.89
Dublin, IrelandEUROFOUND133.6624.09
Frankfurt am Main, GermanyECB, EIOPA96.9452.65
Hague, NetherlandsEurojust, Europol111.4520.38
Helsinki, FinlandECHA118.6554.02
Heraklion, GreeceENISA85.2397.99
Karlsruhe, GermanyJRC96.9452.65
Lefkosia, CyprusEU Delegation82.2383.98
Lisbon, PortugalEMSA, EMCDDA91.4426.96
Ljubljana, SloveniaACER84.9396.59
Luxembourg City, LuxembourgEuropean Commission, Eurostat, CDT, Court of Auditors100467.13
Madrid, SpainEU Delegation96.3449.85
Munich, Germanyn/a113.4529.73
Parma, ItalyEFSA91.2426.02
Paris, FranceEBA, ESMA119.9560.09
Prague, CzechiaEGSA88.1411.54
Riga, LatviaBEREC80373.70
Rome, ItalyEU Delegation95.2444.71
Sofia, BulgariaEU Delegation61.7288.22
Stockholm, SwedenECDC130.3608.67
Tallinn, Estoniaeu-LISA86.3403.13
Thessaloniki, GreeceCEDEFOP85.2397.99
Turin, ItalyETF91.2426.02
Valletta, MaltaEUAA94439.10
Varese, Italyn/a91.2426.02
Valenciennes and Lille, FranceERA119.9560.09
Vienna, AustriaFRA109.6511.97
Vigo, SpainEFCA96.3449.85
Vilnius, LithuaniaEIGE80.1374.17
Warsaw, PolandFrontex70.6329.79
Zagreb, CroatiaEU Delegation78.3365.76
Dependent Child Allowance adjusted by the Correction Coefficient

Payment period and entitlement

The Dependend Child Allowance is generally paid until age of 18 for each child. It can be paid up to age 26, if the child remains in educational or vocational training, and is not gainfully employed.

If both parents work for EU institutions, the allowance is paid to only one of the parents.

Education allowance in your pay slip

Code for the Education Allowance in your pay slip is either AEN.

Article 67 of the Staff Regulations

Article 67

  1. Family allowances shall comprise:
    (a) household allowance;
    (b) dependent child allowances;
    (c) education allowance.
  2. Officials in receipt of family allowances specified in this Article
    shall declare allowances of like nature paid from other sources; such
    latter allowances shall be deducted from those paid under Articles 1, 2
    and 3 of Annex VII.
  3. The dependent child allowance may be doubled, by special
    reasoned decision of the appointing authority based on medical
    documents establishing that the child concerned has a disability or
    a long-term illness which involves the official in heavy expenditure.

Article 2 of Annex VII “Remuneration and reimbursement of expenses” of the Staff Regulations


  1. An official who has one or more dependent children shall, in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 below, receive an allowance of ►M153 EUR 467,13 ◄ per month for each dependent child.
  2. ‘Dependent child’ means the legitimate, natural or adopted child of an official, or of his spouse, who is actually being maintained by the official.
    The same shall apply to a child for whom an application for adoption has been lodged and the adoption procedure started.


Any child whom the official has a responsibility to maintain under a judicial decision based on Member States’ legislation on the protection of minors shall be treated as a dependant child.


  1. The allowance shall be granted:
    automatically for children under eighteen years of age;

on application, with supporting evidence, by the official for children between eighteen andtwenty-six who are receiving educational or vocational training.


  1. Any person whom the official has a legal responsibility to maintain and whose maintenance involves heavy expenditure may, exceptionally, be treated as if he were a dependent child by special reasoned decision of the appointing authority, based on supporting documents.
  2. Payment of the allowance in respect of a child prevented by serious illness or invalidity from earning a livelihood shall continue throughout the period of that illness or invalidity, irrespective of age.
  3. Not more than one dependent child allowance shall be paid in respect of any one dependent child within the meaning of this Article, even where the parents are in the service of two different institutions of ►M128 the European Union ◄ .
  4. If custody of the dependent child within the meaning of paragraphs 2 and 3 has been entrusted by law or by an order of court or of the competent administrative authority to another person, the dependent child allowance shall be paid to that person in the name and on behalf of the official.

4 responses to “Dependent Child Allowance”

  1. What is the maximum amount a child can earn while still being considered dependent on their parents? I have heard of a net amount of roughly €900 per month, a figure that gets adjusted over the years. Is there an official source from the Commission where I can find this information? It’s okay even if the figure isn’t completely up-to-date.

  2. Are children doing (poorly remunerated) medical school specialisation entitled to child allowance? Thank you

  3. The custody agreement determines the amount that I must transfer every month as “child support” (food and clothing) and I would like to know which of these three allowances bellow refers to this same concept.
    • Household allowance
    • Dependent child allowance
    • Education allowance
    When the commission decides to send the allowances directly to the custodial parent, what is it based on?
    Basically, I need to prove in court that the “dependent child allowance” (or maybe household allowance) is the same that “child support” in the custody agreement.

    • Don’t treat it as legal advice. I believe that Commission or your EU institution does not decide on anything. If you have children that qualify you for any of these allowances and your former partner is not employed in EU institutions, you will receive all of these allowances. Your EU institution will ensure that a certain part of your salary is transferred to another person’s bank account based on a court order or your own instruction. Please check this with your institution’s HR.

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