EMSA salaries

EMSA salaries

This article provides estimated net salaries at EMSA, the European Maritime Safety Agency, located in Lisbon, Portugal.

EMSA is the lead EU agency with a mandate over maritime safety, maritime security and prevention of pollution from ships. EMSA was established in 2002 and is located in Lisbon (also the seat of EMCDDA).

Most EU institutions, including EMSA, do a notoriously poor job in communicating their salaries. Very often EU agencies and other EU institutions just indicate the gross basic pay without deductions and allowances, and quite many do not adjust it by the Correction Coefficient which can have a significant impact on an employee’s net take-home pay.

This makes it very hard for people without experience in the EU system to understand one’s actual future income, and is a hindrance for quite many people already employed in EU institutions that consider a career change.

This article series will seek to address the lack of information on actual net salaries in EU agencies and other institutions.

As usual for this type of information, bear in mind the caveat that your precise salary can be calculated only by the EU institution’s HR department that knows your particular professional and personal circumstances.

The salaries below are presented according to four typical personal/family situations of future employees:

  • by type of contract (Contract Agent, Administrator, Assistant, Secretary and Clerk) and
  • function group (FGI-FGIV, AD5-AD16, AST1-AST11, AST/SC1-AST/SC6).

The mentioned personal/family situations are:

Situation 01Situation 02Situation 03Situation 04
Single local with no childrenMarried local with two childrenSingle expat with no childrenMarried expat with two children
The term ‘local’ refers to nationals of the country where the EU institution has its headquarters. The term ‘expat’ refers to employees of the said EU institution that have a nationality of another EU member state.
Video about EMSA

To get an idea of your actual salary at EMSA, you should look at the right cell in one of the four columns in the tables below that best corresponds to your personal/family situation. In calculating these values we have summed up not only the basic salary, but also the applicable allowances and deductions: household allowance, child allowances, expatriation allowance, pension contribution, sickness, accident and unemployment insurance, as well as community tax. All values in the last four columns are also adjusted by the European Commission’s Correction Coefficient for Portugal, so they present a realistic approximation of take-home pay/full remuneration package calculation.

The information below gives you a realistic estimate of what you can expect to earn at EMSA. People interested in working for EU institutions often only look up the basic pay for their type of contract and grade. This is a mistake as the actual net salary can differ up or down quite a bit, compared to the basic salary.

If you want to understand what elements constitute the full salary package in the EU institutions and their weight in the total remuneration calculation, please read the article applicable to your type of contract: Contract Agents, Administrators, Assistants, Secretaries and Clerks.

How to read the tables

Here’s an explanation of how to read the tables below.

Let’s assume that you have applied for an AD6 Administrator’s vacancy in EMSA. You are any other nationality than Portuguese with a spouse and two children. From the table below you can deduct that your basic salary without any adjustments would be EUR 5669, however, by working for EMSA in Portugal, your net take-home remuneration package would be around EUR 5971. A Portuguese national with a similar family situation would earn EUR 5031.

Contract Agent salaries at EMSA

FUNC-TION GROUPBASIC SALARYCOR-RECTION COEF-FICIENT01| Single local with no children02| Married local with 2 children03| Single expat with no children04| Married expat with 2 children
FG I step 1212885.91611255421113054
FG II step 4221185.91666261021663110
FG III step 8283185.92118307326593614
FG IV step 13362485.92658362033054273
Contract agent salaries at EMSA

Administrator salaries at EMSA

FUNC-TION GROUPBASIC SALARYCOR-RECTION COEF-FICIENT01| Single local with no children02| Married local with 2 children03| Single expat with no children04| Married expat with 2 children
AD 5501185.93599459044475438
AD 6566985.94028503149685971
AD 7641485.94510552655546570
AD 8725885.95039607062017232
AD 9821185.95614666069107956
AD 10929185.96230729576788743
AD 111051285.96891797885099596
AD 121189385.975908700940310512
AD 131345785.9827794151030911446
AD 141522585.9875999381112812307
AD 151722785.99577107911224013454
AD 161949185.910423116781341514670
Administrator salaries at EMSA

Assistant salaries at EMSA

FUNC-TION GROUPBASIC SALARYCOR-RECTION COEF-FICIENT01| Single local with no children02| Married local with 2 children03| Single expat with no children04| Married expat with 2 children
AST 1305885.92305326328793837
AST 2345985.92559352431894153
AST 3391485.92872384535664539
AST 4442985.93214419539794961
AST 5501185.93599459044475438
AST 6566985.94028503149685971
AST 7641485.94510552655546570
AST 8725885.95039607062017232
AST 9821185.95614666069107956
AST 10929185.96230729576788743
AST 111051285.96891797885099596
Assistant salaries at EMSA

Secretaries and Clerks salaries at EMSA

FUNC-TION GROUPBASIC SALARYCOR-RECTION COEF-FICIENT01| Single local with no children02| Married local with 2 children03| Single expat with no children04| Married expat with 2 children
AST/SC 1274585.92055301325963555
AST/SC 2310685.92329328729033861
AST/SC 3351485.92554352232074175
AST/SC 4397685.92897387135914565
AST/SC 5449985.93261424340265008
AST/SC 6509085.93667465845155506
Secretaries and Clerks salaries at EMSA

Allowances and other benefits for EU institutions staff

Several allowances and other benefits can quite significantly boost an EU official’s income. This largely depends on whether the person is an expat and has a spouse and/or children. When considering a job at an EU institution, people too often do not take these benefits into account. Important – these benefits are available to Administrators in grades AD 5-16, Assistants in grades AST 1-11, Secretaries and Clerks in grades AST/SC 1-6, and Contract Agents in grades FG I-IV.

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