EIGE salaries

EIGE salaries

This article provides approximate net salaries at EIGE, the European Gender Equality Institute, located in Vilnius, Lithuania.

EIGE is an EU agency dealing with issues related to gender equality. It works on promotion of gender equality through collecting and producing resources on gender mainstreaming and other tools and instruments. EIGE is most widely known for its production of the Gender Equality Index. Check out the EIGE factsheet if consider working there or are preparing for an interview.

Most EU institutions, including EIGE, do a poor job in communicating their salary scales as they often indicate just the basic pay and little other detail, and quite many even fail to adjust it by the applicable Correction Coefficient. This is not helpful for people without experience in the EU system, and a hindrance for quite many staff members that consider changing their positions as this makes it really difficult to understanding a person’s future income. This article series will seek to address the lack of information on actual net salaries in EU institutions.

The salaries below are presented according to four typical personal/family situations of future employees:

  • by type of contract (Contract Agent, Administrator, Assistant, Secretary and Clerk) and
  • function group (FGI-FGIV, AD5-AD16, AST1-AST11, AST/SC1-AST/SC6).

The mentioned personal/family situations are:

Situation 01Situation 02Situation 03Situation 04
Single local with no childrenMarried local with two childrenSingle expat with no childrenMarried expat with two children
The term ‘local’ refers to nationals of the country where the EU institution has its headquarters. The term ‘expat’ refers to employees of the said EU institution that have a nationality of another EU member state.

The European Commission Correction Coefficient for Lithuania is


The salaries in the tables below have been adjusted by this value to give you a realistic idea of net pay based on your personal situation.

To get an idea of your actual salary at EIGE, you should look at the right cell in one of the four columns in the tables below that best corresponds to your personal/family situation. In calculating these values we have summed up not only the basic salary, but also the applicable allowances and deductions: household allowance, child allowances, expatriation allowance, pension contribution, sickness, accident and unemployment insurance, as well as community tax. All values in the last four columns are also adjusted by the European Commission’s Correction Coefficient for Lithuania, so they present a realistic approximation of take-home pay/full remuneration package calculation.

As usual in these types of articles, there is the caveat that your precise salary can only be calculated by the EU institution’s HR department that knows your particular professional and personal circumstances.

The information below gives you a realistic estimate of what you can expect to earn at EIGE. People interested in working for EU institutions often only look up the basic pay for their type of contract and grade. This is a mistake as the actual net salary can differ up or down quite a bit, compared to the basic salary.

If you want to understand what elements constitute the full salary package in the EU institutions and their weight in the total remuneration calculation, please read the article applicable to your type of contract: Contract Agents, Administrators, Assistants, Secretaries and Clerks.

How to read the tables

Here’s an explanation of how to read the tables below.

Let’s assume that you have applied for an AD6 Administrator’s vacancy in EIGE. You are a Belgian national (any nationality except Lithuanian fits here) with a spouse and two children. From the table below you can deduct that your basic salary without any adjustments would be EUR 5669, however, by working for EIGE in Vilnius, your net take-home remuneration package would be around EUR 4779. A Lithuanian national with a similar family situation would earn EUR 5672.

Contract Agent salaries at EIGE

FUNC-TION GROUPBASIC SALARY01| Single local with no children02| Married local with 2 children03| Single expat with no children04| Married expat with 2 children
FG I step 121281531242620062901
FG II step 422111582247920572954
FG III step 828312012291925263433
FG IV step 1336242525343931394059
Contract agent salaries at EIGE

Administrator salaries at EIGE

FUNC-TION GROUPBASIC SALARY01| Single local with no children02| Married local with 2 children03| Single expat with no children04| Married expat with 2 children
AD 550113419436142245166
AD 656693826477947195672
AD 764144284524952766242
AD 872584787576658916870
AD 982115333632665647558
AD 1092915918693072938305
AD 11105126546757880839116
AD 12118937210826489329986
AD 131345778638943979310873
AD 1415225832194401057111691
AD 15172279098102511162712780
AD 16194919901110941274313936
Administrator salaries at EIGE

Assistant salaries at EIGE

FUNC-TION GROUPBASIC SALARY01| Single local with no children02| Married local with 2 children03| Single expat with no children04| Married expat with 2 children
AST 130582189310027343645
AST 234592431334730293945
AST 339142728365233874312
AST 444293053398537804712
AST 550113419436142245166
AST 656693826477947195672
AST 764144284524952766242
AST 872584787576658916870
AST 982115333632665647558
AST 1092915918693072938305
AST 11105126546757880839116
Assistant salaries at EIGE

Secretaries and Clerks salaries at EIGE

FUNC-TION GROUPBASIC SALARY01| Single local with no children02| Married local with 2 children03| Single expat with no children04| Married expat with 2 children
AST/SC 127451952286324663377
AST/SC 231062212312327573668
AST/SC 335142426334630463966
AST/SC 439762752367734124336
AST/SC 544993098403038254757
AST/SC 650903484442542895231
Secretaries and Clerks salaries at EIGE

Allowances and other benefits for EU institutions staff

Several allowances and other benefits can quite significantly boost an EU official’s income. This largely depends on whether the person is an expat and has a spouse and/or children. When considering a job at an EU institution, people too often do not take these benefits into account. Important – these benefits are available to Administrators in grades AD 5-16, Assistants in grades AST 1-11, Secretaries and Clerks in grades AST/SC 1-6, and Contract Agents in grades FG I-IV.

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  1. Hi, I was wondering what type of taxes contract agents (FGIV) pay? Or are contract agents just subject to national…

  2. When you on a reserved list and it take you a month for hired, it possible to do follow up?


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