The Staff Regulation requires most categories of employees of EU institutions to prove their ability to work in a third EU language (in French – Évaluation de la capacité à travailler dans une troisième langue) before their first promotion or award of an indefinite employment contract.
Read an article about the requirement for a third EU language to find out more.
- College of Commissioners
- Commission Representation
- Commissioner
- Community tax
- Competency-based interview
- Consolidated Annual Activity Report (CAAR)
- Contract agent
- Contract Agents 3a and 3b Contracts
- Contract renewal
- Correction coefficient
- Council of Europe
- Council of the European Union
- Court of Auditors
- Court of Justice of the European Union
- E-tray exercises
- Early retirement
- Education allowance
- EU civil servant
- EU Delegations
- European Central Bank
- European Commission
- European Council
- European Defence Agency
- European External Action Service
- European Institute for Gender Equality
- European Parliament
- European Parliament Positive Action Programme
- European School
- European Union agencies
- Eurostat
- Executive Director
- Expatriation allowance
to be honest this is crazy. I mean a need to get a 3rd language that is probably is useless…