Internal mobility

Internal mobility within the European Union (EU) institutions refers to the movement of staff members, including officials, between different positions, departments, or even EU bodies.

This concept is a key component of the EU’s human resources strategy, allowing for the development of a diverse and flexible workforce capable of responding to changing institutional needs and priorities.

Internal mobility offers EU staff the opportunity to gain new experiences, broaden their skills, and advance their careers while remaining within the EU’s institutional framework. It includes both lateral moves, where employees transfer to roles at the same grade but in different areas, and vertical moves, which involve promotions to higher grades with increased responsibilities.

The EU’s commitment to internal mobility is designed to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of its workforce, encourage professional growth, and ensure that the institutions benefit from a broad range of expertise and perspectives. It also helps maintain high levels of staff motivation and engagement by providing varied career paths and opportunities for personal development.

The procedures and policies governing internal mobility are outlined in the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union and are implemented with the aim of balancing organizational requirements with the career aspirations of individual staff members.





  1. Hello, I’d have a question concerning the grade (=salary) negotiations at the contract signature. I am currently applying for a…

  2. This is indeed much longer than usual. You can’t rely get in touch with PMO yourself about this allowance. I…

  3. Hi! I was also recently wondering about the same thing – whether I should try to claim at least the…

  4. Hello, for the education allowance: my son just started primary school this year. He is going to a normal public…

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