Administrators are EU officials in the grades AD5 to AD16.
Usual tasks for administrators entail HR management, policy and legislation drafting, and advising senior EU officials. They are supported in their work by Assistants and Contract Agents. This is the most sought-after category of employment in EU institutions that has the highest remuneration and best career prospects.
AD5 to AD7 are considered entry-level grades, AD9 to AD12 are considered middle management grades, while AD 13 to AD16 is the upper management at the European Commission and other EU institutions.
Following the 2008-2009 economic crisis, the separation of tasks between Administrators in the lower grades of AD 5 to AD 7 and other categories of employees of EU institutions has become less clear cut, and one can expect to perform Administrator-like tasks also as an Assistant or a Contract Agent in the FG IV grade.
Articles about salaries of Administrators in various grades:
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